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CUET Exam Biology Syllabus 2024

Biology Syllabus

CUET 2024 Biology Syllabus: A Comprehensive Overview

The CUET 2024 Biology syllabus is divided into five units, each further subdivided into specific topics and sub-topics. This breakdown provides a clear understanding of the content covered in the exam.

Unit 1: Reproduction

Reproduction in Organisms: General overview of reproduction, asexual and sexual reproduction.

Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants:Processes involved in sexual reproduction of flowering plants, including pollination, fertilization, seed formation, and fruit development

Human Reproduction:Male and female reproductive systems, gametogenesis, fertilization, development of the embryo, pregnancy, and childbirth.

Reproductive Health:Importance of reproductive health, sexually transmitted infections, and family planning methods.

Unit 2: Genetics & Evolution

Heredity and Variation: Mendelian inheritance, laws of inheritance, chromosomal theory of inheritance, sex determination, and mutations.

Molecular Basis of Inheritance:Structure and function of DNA and RNA, protein synthesis, and gene expression.

Evolution:Theory of evolution by natural selection, evidences of evolution, and patterns of evolution.

Unit 3: Biology and Human Welfare

Health and Disease:Causes and prevention of common human diseases, immune system, and vaccines.

Improvement in Food Production:Plant breeding techniques, genetic engineering, and sustainable agriculture.

Microbes in Human Welfare: Beneficial and harmful microbes, their applications in various fields like food production, medicine, and waste management

Unit 4: Biotechnology and its Applications

Principles and Processes of Biotechnology:Recombinant DNA technology, genetic engineering, and applications in various fields like medicine, agriculture, and industry.

Application of Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture:Production of human insulin, vaccines, genetically modified crops, and bioremediation.

Unit 5: Ecology and Environment

Organisms and Environment:Interaction between organisms and their environment, habitat, niche, adaptation, population interactions, and ecological pyramids.

Ecosystems:Structure and function of ecosystems, energy flow, food chains and webs, biogeochemical cycles, and ecological succession.

Biodiversity and its Conservation:Importance of biodiversity, threats to biodiversity, and conservation methods.

Environmental Issues:Air pollution, water pollution, land degradation, deforestation, and climate change.

CUET Exam Information: Biology Stream


Offered in 13 different languages for wider accessibility.


Conducted online in Computer Based Test (CBT) format.

Question Paper:

Comprises 50 questions, of which 40 need to be attempted.


Allotted time is 45 minutes.

Marking Scheme:

Each correct answer carries 5 marks, and each incorrect answer incurs a deduction of 1 mark. The maximum obtainable score is 200.

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