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CUET Exam Business Studies Syllabus 2024

CUET Business Studies Syllabus 2024

Unit I: Principles and Functions of Management

Nature and significance of management.
• Management - concept, objectives, importance.
• Nature of management; Management as Science, Art, Profession.
• Levels of management - top, middle supervisory (First level).
• Management functions - planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling.
• Coordination - nature, and importance.
Principles of Management
• Principles of Management - meaning, nature, and significance.
• Fayol’s principles of management.
• Taylor’s Scientific Management - Principles and Techniques.
Business Environment
• Business Environment - meaning and importance.
• Dimensions of Business Environment - Economic, Social, Technological, Political, and Legal.
• Economic Environment in India; Impact of Government policy changes on business and industry, with special reference to the adoption of the policies of liberalization privatization, and globalization.
• Meaning, features, importance, limitations.
• Planning process.
• Types of Plans - Objectives, Strategy, Policy, Procedure, Method, Rule, Budget, Program.
• Meaning and importance.
• Steps in the process of organizing.
• Structure of organization - functional, and divisional.
• Formal and informal organization.
• Delegation: meaning elements and importance.
• Decentralization: meaning and importance.
• Difference between delegation and decentralization.
• Meaning, need, and importance of staffing.
• Staffing as a part of Human Resources Management.
• Steps in the staffing process.
• Recruitment - meaning, and sources.
• Selection - meaning and process.
• Training and Development - meaning, need, methods - methods of training.
• Meaning, importance, and principles.
• Elements of Direction: Supervision - meaning and importance, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; Financial and non-financial incentives.
• Leadership - meaning, importance; qualities of a good leader.
• Communication - meaning, and importance, formal and informal communication; barriers to effective communication.
• Meaning and importance.
• Relationship between planning and controlling.
• Steps in the process of control.
• Techniques of controlling.

Unit II: Business Finance and Marketing

Business Finance
• Business finance - meaning, role, objectives of financial management.
• Financial planning - meaning and importance.
• Capital Structure - meaning and factors.
• Fixed and Working Capital - meaning and factors affecting their requirements.
Financial Markets
• Concept of Financial Market: Money Market – nature instruments;
• Capital market: nature and types - primary and secondary market.
• The distinction between capital market and money market.
• Stock Exchange - meaning, functions, NSEI, OCTEI, Trading Procedure.
• Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) - Objectives, Functions.
• Marketing - meaning, functions, role.
• The distinction between marketing and selling.
• Marketing mix - concept and elements: Product - nature, classification, branding, labeling, and packaging - Physical distribution: meaning, role; Channels of distribution, - meaning, types, and factors, determining the choice of channels.
• Promotion - Role of Advertising and personal selling; objections to Advertising.
• Price: factors influencing pricing.
Consumer Protection
• Importance of consumer protection.
• Consumer rights.
• Consumer responsibilities.
• Ways and means of consumer protection.
• Consumer awareness and legal redressal with special reference to the Consumer Protection Act.
• Role of consumer organizations and NGOs.
Entrepreneurship Development
• Concept, Functions, and Need.
• Entrepreneurship Characteristics and Competencies.
• Process of Entrepreneurship Development.
• Entrepreneurial Values, Attitudes, and Motivation - Meaning and Concept.

CUET Exam Information: Commerce Stream

Question Format:

50 questions, with 40 required to be attempted.

Exam Mode:

Online, conducted via Computer Based Test (CBT).

Marking Scheme:

5 marks awarded for each correct answer, 1 mark deducted for each wrong answer

Language Options:

Multiple languages available for the first time (13 different options).

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