CUET Exam History Syllabus 2024
History Syllabus 2024
Time is of the essence! As the CUET History exam approaches, dive into your preparation using this detailed syllabus breakdown. Before formulating your study plan, ensure you comprehend the core topics and sub-topics.
• Syllabus:
The Syllabus:
The CUET History syllabus encompasses various periods of Indian history, emphasizing primary sources and their interpretations. Refer to the official NTA website for the complete syllabus, but here's a concise overview:
1. Ancient History:
Learn about early urban centers, the discovery of the Harappan civilization, and how archaeologists and historians utilize archaeological reports.
• Political and Economic History:
Explore the period from the Mauryans to the Guptas through inscriptions and their decipherment. Analyze the evolving understanding of political and economic history.
• Social Histories:
Understand social issues like caste, class, kinship, and gender using the Mahabharata as a source.
2. Medieval History:
Gain insights into social and cultural life from the perspectives of travelers like Alberuni, Ibn Batuta, and Bernier.
• Religious Histories:
Examine the Bhakti-Sufi tradition, including religious developments and practices. Learn how Bhakti-Sufi compositions have been preserved and interpreted by historians.
• New Architecture:
Explore the architecture of the Vijayanagar period through the example of Hampi. Analyze the relationship between architecture and the political system
3. Modern History:
Study the structure of agrarian relations in the 16th and 17th centuries through the Ain-i-Akbari, analyzing how historians use this text.
• The Mughal Court:
Understand political history and the Mughal court through the analysis of court chronicles like the Akbarnama and Padshahnama
• Colonialism and Society:
Examine the impact of colonialism on rural society and towns using various sources like official reports, pictures, and town plans
• Representations of 1857:
Analyze how the events of 1857 were recorded and narrated, focusing on Lucknow as a case study.
• Mahatma Gandhi:
Study the nationalist movement and Gandhian leadership through contemporary sources like newspapers
• Partition:
Understand the history of the 1940s, focusing on nationalism, communalism, and Partition in Punjab and Bengal. Analyze oral testimonies to reconstruct the historical narrative.
• The Making of the Constitution:
Explore the creation of the Indian Constitution through the lens of the Constitutional Assembly debates.
CUET History Exam Format:
Based solely on the NCERT Class 12th standard History syllabus.
• Exam Structure:
o One question paper with 50 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions).
o Attempt 40 questions (40 marks each).
o Total marks: 200.
o Exam duration: 45 minutes.
o Penalty for incorrect answers: 1 mark deducted for each wrong answer.
o Exam type: Online, Computer-Based Test (CBT) mode.