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CUET Exam Physics Syllabus 2024

Physics Syllabus 2024

The CUET Physics syllabus consists of 10 units, each further divided into sub-units. All topics are interconnected and crucial, so equal attention to each chapter is recommended for the exam. Here's a detailed breakdown

- Electric charges and their conservation.
- Coulomb’s law: force between two point charges, forces between multiple charges, superposition principle
- Electric field, electric field due to a point charge, electric field lines, electric dipole, torque on a dipole.
- Electric flux, Gauss’s theorem, applications to finding field due to infinitely long straight wire, uniformly charged infinite plane sheet, and uniformly charged thin spherical shell.
- Electric potential, potential difference, electric potential due to a point charge, a dipole, and system of charges, equipotential surfaces.
- Conductors and insulators, dielectrics and electric polarisation, capacitors, capacitance, energy stored in a capacitor.

Current Electricity
- Current Electricity - Electric current, drift velocity, Ohm’s law, electrical resistance, V-I characteristics.
- Carbon resistors, series and parallel combinations, temperature dependence.
- Internal resistance of a cell, potential difference, emf, Kirchhoff’s laws, Wheatstone bridge, potentiometer.

Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
- Magnetic field, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s law, force on a moving charge, force between parallel conductors
- Torque on a current loop, magnetic dipole moment, Earth’s magnetic field.
- Para-, dia-, and ferromagnetic substances, electromagnets, permanent magnets.

Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents - Alternating currents, reactance, impedance, LC oscillations, resonance.
- Electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws, eddy currents, self and mutual inductance.
- AC generator, transformer.

Electromagnetic Waves
- Displacement current, characteristics of electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic spectrum

- Reflection, refraction, total internal reflection, dispersion, lenses, lens formula, optical instruments
- Wavefront, Huygens’ principle, interference, diffraction, polarisation

Dual Nature of Matter & Radiation
- Photoelectric effect, matter waves, de Broglie relation.

Atoms and Nuclei
- Alpha-particle scattering, Rutherford’s and Bohr’s models of atom, nuclear composition, radioactivity

Electronic Devices
- Energy bands in solids, semiconductor diode, transistor, logic gates.

Communication Systems
- Elements of a communication system, bandwidth, modulation, production, and detection of amplitude-modulated waves

CUET Physics Exam Pattern: A Summary

Here's a concise overview of the CUET Physics exam pattern:

• Syllabus: Based solely on the NCERT Class 12th Physics syllabus.
• Question Paper: One question paper with 50 questions.
• Attempts: 40 questions to be attempted (out of 50).
• Marking Scheme:
o 5 marks awarded for each correct answer.
o 1 mark deducted for each wrong answer.
• Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
• Exam Duration: 45 minutes.

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